Monday, June 14, 2010

Dr. Stone's class

Hello all, Trying once again to communicate with folks. I think this might do it. I am going to send you the link.
Liz K


  1. testing, one, two, three

    This is the dutiful husband, doing what his wife asks him to do.


  2. Hi Liz,
    I'm here. I just posted my Artifact #3 Outline and Handout. I find myself geeting more and more confused as to what I should be doing in this class. Thanks so much for guiding me in the direction I am suppose to be going. I really appreciate it. What would I do without your guidance and support? I guess we will wait a little while to see if others respond.

    Thanks again,
    Cynthia M.

  3. Hi Liz.. just checking to see if I'm in...

  4. This is from ME the blog originator, just trying to figure out how this works.

  5. This is Janet... and I'm not sure what to do with this blog site.

  6. Janet, Have you figured out how to post?
    Is anyone working on the face to face presentation? Liz K

  7. Hi Cynthia and Janet, How is the face to face presentation going? Have you completed it yet?

  8. Hi Liz, I sent you an e-mail saying that I wanted to be in the group with you and Cynthia Minor. Thanks ARG

  9. Hooray Now we have to figure out what technical tool we are all using for the on-line presentation. My assumption is that we all do our own project? and then share it with a 'group' from our group? Is that your thought? I am doing my presentation on Kolb's experiential learning theory,although I am reading an article now that is causing me to get more confused about the whole theory.
    I think I may have to resort to Power Point since I seem to have had no luck learning wiki, and other stuff.
    I assume you now Joined the blog? I hope other people can figure out how to do that.
    Let me know how you are seeing this assignment.Are you thinking the same thing I am? It helps ME to know that I'm on/or not on the right track. Thanks
    Liz K
